Ghost Rule ( English Cover) Will Stetson ゴーストルール
A song about the lies that keep us safe. Support me on Patreon Join the Discord MP3 DOWNLOAD Hi This is Ghost Rule. This is my favorite song by DECO27, and was incredibly highly requested after I released my cover of Hibana. Thanks a ton to ThatTromboneGuy, once again, for helping with the mixing and mastering of this track He will be making semiregular appearances on this channel now if all goes well. c: I am happy to say that my throat has made a nearly full recovery, but I will definitely not be pushing as hard in my newer covers to avoid a repeat scenario. However, this is still good news because I will be entering a much more regular schedule for uploads now MP3 available for your pleasure. Enjoy c: Ghost Rule Music: DECO27 Vocals: Will Stetson