Wojtaszek vs Carlsen Tata Steel 2015 Round 03 ( ICC Coverage)
Tata Steel 2015 Round 3 Opening: A41: Queen s Pawn Player(s): Wojtaszek, Carlsen GM Larry Christiansen recaps Round 3. What a round Chess fans could not ask for more, after today s rollercoaster at the Tata Steel tournament. The World Champion lost to Wojtasez, and Levon Aronian was defeated by the new in the life rating list American number one Wesley So. Caruana had to use all his patience and strenght to draw Giri, after 7 hours of struggle. Ding Liren won with Jobava, and the oldest in the field, GM Vasily Ivanchuk, won his game with local hero Loek Van Wely to take the lead, joining Fabiano at the top of the standings.