The reality of the developer job market with ex Googler YK Sugi Podcast, 143
On this week s episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews YK Sugi. He s a software engineer and prolific YouTube Computer Science tutorial creator. He s worked at Google and Microsoft. He runs the CS Dojo channel where he shares his insights on software development, AI, and developer career progressions. We talk about: Emerging AI tools and how developers are adopting them The role of interest rates in developer hiring Japan s developer work culture VS the US How not to burn out Can you guess what song I m playing in the intro Also, I want to thank the 10, 993 kind people who support our charity each month, and who make this podcast possible. You can join them and support our mission at: Or you can listen to the pod. .., freeCodeCamp 20240927 qL7kc2eS57A