Ускоренный курс точечного лифтинга для красивого лица, Йога для лица для борьбы со старениемfor Anti Aging
Erase wrinkles and saggy jowls: Want to look younger naturally Learn about face yoga for antiaging Want to clear wrinkles, crows feet, and worry lines without resorting to plastic surgery or expensive face creams Want to have a glowing, radiant, and beautiful face In this 6minute crash course, Lee will show you a sequence of facial toning exercises and acupressure massage techniques designed to keep the effects of aging at bay and your face vibrant and youthful. The practice is called Beautiful Face Qi Gong. Its an ancient practice to help strengthen and relax the muscles in the face naturally. Beautiful Face Qi Gong is a 100 natural facelift rejuvenation practice you can do from home. If you d like to learn the entire Acupressure and Facelift program, check out Lee Holdens Acupressure Facelift and Rejuvenation Qi Gong Workshop. In this workshop, you will build on what you learned in this sample video to reduc