Vitaphone Short: Ernestine Schumann Heink Three Songs 1927
I believe this is the only surviving footage of SchumannHeink singing (though here she is 65). Another upload of this footage on YouTube has unstable coloration and outofsync. I ve removed the sepias and greygreens in favor of plain black and white. I ve also taken care to resync the audio. 1) Der Erlkönig 0:00 2) Trees 5:03 3) Pirate Dreams 7:09 This channel is primarily about vocal emissionaural examples of basically correct singing, correct impostazionechiaroscuro, vowel clarity, firm and centered pitch, correct vibrato action, absence of throatiness or thickness, sounds free from constriction and from the acoustic noise that accompanies itwith occasional video examples that demonstrate what the body, face, mouth, jaw, and tongue look like when used with correct impostazionethe vocal emission of the one and only Italian school. Caveat: I m biased in favor of baritones and baritone literature, but if you want to