Godmade horrors beyond your comprehension
Far Beyond the Place of Stopping By R. J. Williamson Music: Film clips from Begotten (1990) All voices except male narration created with ElevenLabs speechtospeech conversion. I journeyed, long in walking, far beyond the place of stopping Where there was no more returning to the people I had known. I saw the world forgotten, where the grass gives up on growing And I knew that I would never make another journey home. Upon that fleshy plain, below the final rock outcropping Stretched the vast and empty desert of the hungry, bleeding thing Encompassing the earth to the horizon, allconsuming, Crying in a thousand voices to its desolate godking. And the music of its crying, never dead, ever dying, Sent me running in a madness I can scarce compare to fear, Not to safety, but to silence