Desperate Housewives: Disasters On And Off Screen, Rumour Juice
Who would have thought that the drama of Wisteria Lane, spilled over offscreen into the lives of the cast members Well, it did, and it was a big spill. The cast of Desperate Housewives has encountered more than thier fair share of scandal, and one of them even landed herself behind bars. You ll have to watch this video to find out more. Subscribe to Rumour Juice channel on Youtube for more unknown stories about celebrities: Desperate Housewives: Disasters On And Off Screen, Rumour Juice , FelicityHuffman, MarciaCross, DesperateHousewives, NicoletteSheridan, TeriHatcher, RicardoAntonioChavira, KathrynJoosten, EvaLongoria, celebrities, storiesaboutcelebrities, RumourJuice