Facts: The Boxfish
Quick facts about this unique and poisonous group of fish. The boxfish (Ostraciidae, trunkfish, pahu). Boxfish facts Podcast: References and Helpful Links Hoover, John P. . The Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Reef Fishes, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Whales, and Seals. United States, Mutual Pub. , 2013. Wiseman, Clay, and Snyderman, Marty. Guide to Marine Life: Caribbean, Bahamas, Florida. United States, Aqua Quest Publications, 1996. Allen, Gerald. Handy Pocket Guide to Tropical Coral Reef Fishes. Singapore, Tuttle Publishing, 2014. Music: New Land by ALBIS Images Licensed Under Creative Commons Bell, Samantha. Boxfish. United States, Cherry Lake Publishing, 2014. By NatiSythen Own work, CC BYSA 3. 0, suneko, CC BY Rickard Zerpe, CC BY Nick Hobgood, CC BYSA Christian Gloor on Flickr Videos Licensed Under Creative Commons 舒立效 AQUATRAVEL Sasuke Tsujita JD Marcus Ferreira Paul Nebbs Uusijani, CC0