Pussycat Dolls Live in Malaga 2008 ( FULL CONCERT) Ft. Kimberly Melody Jessica Ashley Nicole
The Pussycat Dolls live in Malaga, 20 september 2008 in Spain, MTV Summer (the real full concert). SUBSCRIBE ans visit: SETLIST: (00:20) 1. Buttons (05:30) 2. I Don t Need A Man (09:20) 3. Show Me What You Got (Stomp) (11:40) 4. Sway (15:03) 5. Beep (19:20) 6. Wait A Minute (22:50) 7. When I Grow Up (27:30) 8. Don t Cha We do not own the rights to this video. ENJOY SHARE SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW SUPPORT: , PussycatDolls, PCDReunion Ashley Roberts, ashleyroberts Kimberly Wyatt, kimberlywyatt Melody Thornton, melodythornton Jessica Sutta, jsutta, jessicasutta Carmit Bachar, carmit, ca