Painting Indomitus Part 4: Parade Ready Excursor Sergeant
This time I aimed for a paint level called ParadeReady. This should make the character look good not only on the battlefield, but also in a showcase. But this also means that the painting of a single figure takes much longer this time. For the other groups of three I needed 6080 minutes on average, this time it took more than 2 hours for him alone. Timestamps: 0:00 Building 1:38 Basecoating 2:39 Shading 3:10 Layering 4:30 Edge Highlighting 6:07 Painting Face 8:02 Painting Wheels 8:34 Silver Details and Exhaust 10:52 Painting Shoulderpads 12:21 Minor Details 16:26 Markings 17:05 Drilling Gun Barrels