Royal Night For Stars (1966)
London. GV. Exterior of the Empire Theatre, Leicester Square where premiere of Doctor Zhivago is taking place. GV. The tabloid announcing Dr Zhivago. SV. Interior of the theatre, star of the film Julie Christie with Don Bessant. CU. Julie Christie. SCU. Sir Ralph Richardson and Rita Tushingham. CU. Rita Tushingham. SCU. Oil King Nubar Gulbenkian. SCU. The film s director David Lean and Geraldine Chaplin who stars in the film. Close up shot of the two. GV. Princess Margaret and husband Lord Snowdon arriving. The Princess is greeted by the Manager of the cinema and Mr Havas, Chairman of MGM. SV. Julie Christie and Geraldine Chaplin chatting while waiting to be presented to Princess Margaret and husband. SV. The Princess is introduced to Mr Maurice Silverstein, the President of MGM. GV. The Princess being presented to the film s producer Carlo Ponti. CU. Carlo Ponti. SV. Lord Snowdon talking to David Lean. GV. Geraldine Chaplin being presented to Princess Margaret. SCU. Princess Margaret talking to Geraldine