Openends Productions Global Nomads Productions present Patrick Pires aka PLock during the workshops of Juste Debout Amsterdam at the Theater school Amsterdam and Jake s Dance Factory. . Directed by Glenn Sluisdom Co directed by Vanessa v. Gasselt Camera: Glenn Sluisdom, Dagmar Gerritse, Vanessa v. Gasselt, Edit: Vanessa v. Gasselt Producer: Glenn Sluisdom Interview by Glenn Sluisdom Vanessa v. G. House Dance Forever 4th Feb 2012 Juste Debout 5 th Feb. 2012 HOST: Bruce Ykanji John Agesilas aka The Voice DJ S: Renegade. Kees Funkaholic Heus, Yugson Hawks JUDGES: PLock, Niako, Caleaf Kei