Testing Lego compatible Axles (max torque, durability, friction, etc)
Lego plastic vs carbon fiber vs aluminium vs stainless steel. Legocompatible axles tested comprehensively. Enjoy 0:09 Max torque test 4:15 Durability test 5:56 Friction test 1: car and a slope 6:54 Friction test 2: rotating plate 7:51 Noise test 8:44 Insertion test into Lego parts 9:44 Closeup images 10:21 Weight density comparison 10:53 Price comparison (Nov 2023) 11:14 RESULTS SUMMARY Carbon fiber axles are made by CaDA Bricks. Aluminium axles are made by Metal Technic Parts Dark Ice Designs. They also make the metal gears and beams that were used in the max torque test bench. Stainless steel axles were originally sold by Brick Machine Shop on BrickLink (obsolete), later cncgear on EBay (obsolete), and now planned to be sold by Prototype Production.