TR, ST Iris
New Album The Destroyer 2 out now. Listen: N American European tours: The Destroyer 1 out now: Follow TR, ST alfonsrobert Video by Muted Widows Director of Photography: Ryan Hogue Edited by Michael R. Zumaya B Camera Operator: Michael Dominic Gaffer: Gordon Yould Dimmer Board Operator: Chris Lowery Make Up Artist: Blake Armstrong Stylist: Shab Mohammad Production Assistant: Emily Hendrix Production Assistant: Rachel Rogov FEATURING: Sara Cummings Knox Rath Saturn Rising Directed by mutedwidows Director of Photography: ryanhogue Edited by: B Camera Operator: ritapmerriweather Gaffer: Dimmer Board Operator: Make Up Artist: blkarmstron Stylist: shabhain Production Assistant: sleepingswan Production Assistant: molotovrogov FEATURING: saracummings plasticxcandy sa br, br,