castiel, too much heart 2008 2020
goodbyes aren t always forever no one else could have ever played Cas the way Misha has for the past 12 years Just to think that the Angel Castiel was supposed to be on spn for like. . what a season And remember when they supposedly tried to kill him off in s7 and was then brought back into the show after 15 episodes because he was just THAT missed and loved good times. I m gonna be honest with you, I have never REALLY noticed Cas character development until I sat down and started this very video. I MEAN COME ON, THE WAY HE CAME ON THE SHOW AS THIS EMOTIONLESS ANGEL WHO DIDN T EVEN REALLY KNOW WHAT BEING SORRY FELT LIKE AND HE ENDED UP SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR A VERY SPECIAL HUMAN, WHILE DECLARING HIS PLATONIC, ROMANTIC LOVE FOR HIM, WITH TEARS STREAMING DOWN HIS FACE AND THE BIGGEST FUCKING SMILE HE HAS EVER WORN ON THE SHOW. I m ok. Goodbye, Cas. (idk if he ll be in the last two episodes, we,