KPOP IN PUBLIC KAI 카이 ROVER , 커버댄스 dance cover by BTD
hi everyone oh, whats her name ms. rover its tenshi here we are with new cover on kais rover hope youll like it please support this video with thumbs up and reposts we re stand ready to show you more covers, subscribe to our channel so you won t miss it kai tenshi; backup dancers: bam; lee from furies squad; miya from knk; naff; soju from furies squad; tailer; valerie from runaways; yoonghoo; follow us on social media for more content: instagram: vk: telegram: t. me, btdcdt you can support our future covers here: boosty: camera roni; editing t. me, wafflesoo; NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. all righs belong to their respective owners. ,