Faith No More Cone Of Shame ᴴᴰ ( New October 2016 Video)
Goce Cvetanovski director of Cone of Shame was clearly up to the challenge of complementing the track s jarring shift from morose spaghetti western introspection to more familiar, intense altmetal. According to founding bassist Billy Gould: This is one of those tracks that had to be a video, really, because it lends itself so much to visual imagery. Given the songs sense of Americana, it would have been easy to shoot this in Arizona or New Mexico, but having been to Macedonia several times, theres a vibe there that I felt wouldnt be out of place as a backdrop to this song. Goce Cvetanovski, as a director, understood this immediately; he knew exactly what to do with it, and along with an amazing cast, has managed to create something very dark, and beautifully cinematic. We know you re dying to press play on this exclusive CLRVYNT first look, so all you need to know beforehand is there s a mandolin player, a pimp, an axe, a blade, a damsel in distress and a very literal, frothing canineready cone of