Dragon City Golem Encounters ( With lyrics) The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon
Artist: Rebecca Kneuhbuhl, Gabriel Mann Album: The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon Original Game Music Score Year: 2008 Label: Universal Music Production Library Track: 16 Name: Dragon City Golem Encounters Lyrics: Original Wording from: Work Aeneid, Book IX Author Virgil Original in Latin Quis globus, o cives, caligine volvitur atra Ferte citi ferrum, date tela, ascendite, hostis adest, heia Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt An sua cuique deus fit dira cupido Interrupti ignes aterque ad sidera fumus erigitur Nam lux inimica propinquat Poenarum exhaustum satis est, via facta per hostis. Translation to English Whats that rolling mass of black fog, countrymen Bring your swords, quickly: hand out spears: mount the walls: ah, the enemy is here Do the gods this ardor into our minds infuse Or is each ones predominant inclination his god Their fires are dying away, and a pitchy smoke ascends