19 Signs You d Be Called a Witch in the Middle Ages
Who was thought to be a witch in the Middle Ages If you re an adult independent woman and don t have any additional financial support, this wouldve qualified you as a witch several centuries ago. But it was considered a bad sign for both men and women to be too poor. Homeless people and beggars were often accused of being witches. Anybody who didn t like people wandering around the neighborhood asking for food and money could rat them out to the authorities as witches. So has it ever come to your mind that youd make a great witch Let s check whether people in the 17th century wouldve agreed with you. These signs will show if your impersonation of Maleficent is justifiable TIMESTAMPS: You re a female 0:51 Youre a woman and youre too rich for your own good 1:33 Youre too poor 2:12 Youre too young 2:38 Youre too old 3:10 Youre a married woman with too many kids 3:33 Youre a married woman with no kids 4:06 You have more than one female friend 4:36 Youre a woman who has argued with a friend or