Heresies Ep. 7 (with Ann Widdecombe) MEN: Second Class Citizens The Attack on Men Mens Rights
Whether it be deserving men unable to progress their careers due to female quotas allwomen shortlists, the naming of men in rape allegations whilst the female accuser remains anonymous, or the appalling treatment of men in the family court system such as denial of custody rights over children, crippling divorce settlements child maintenance orders that invariably favour wives over husbands , many are now asking whether men are now secondclass citizens. In this documentary, (Episode 7 in the New Culture Forum s acclaimed Heresies series) the Rt. Hon Ann Widdecombe explores the issue of men s rights in the modern age, an age when men masculinity are consistently derided and attacked. The ubiquity of the new phrase toxic masculinity provides a perfect example of this. Featuring interviews with wellknown figures in men s rights and experts in the psychological damage these experiences are regularly causing men.