Shortz Review 8 FULL FUNNEL BONUSES Make Money With You Tube Shorts
Get Shortz Bonuses Here: Thanks for watching my Shortz review. Shortz Goes Live On January 30th at 9:00 AM EST Shortz Is A Brand NEW 493, Day YouTube App Pays YOU Per SECOND Of Tiny YouTube Videos That You Dont Even Create Look YouTube just sent me some cash In fact, they paid me 530, for a 6 second videothat I didnt even make. Thats 100 per second All I did was upload a tiny, short video to start making YouTube commissions And every time I do this, they pay me anywhere from 17 all the way up to 700. Best of all, these were SUPER SHORT microvideos on topics I didn t even know about. Because, ALL these commissions were made from videos, that an AI made for me by slicing up doneforyou videos But how is this possible Because of a 50 bill