Mr. Wobbles vs Andre, Top 16 Midwest Beatbox Battle 2015
, MrWobbles, Andre, btv, beatboxconnection, битбокс, beatbox, bc, top16, midwest, midwestbeatboxbattle Russian beatbox community Beatbox Connection, Subscribe to us vk: youtube: instagram: Mr. Wobbles and Andre went head to head in the top 16 round at the 2015 Midwest Beatbox Battle. Organized by Lethal FX and Tony C (Shut Your Mouth and Beatbox) the Midwest Beatbox Battle is an international vocal percussion competition located in Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 2012, the MWBB is one of America s best Beatbox festivals, bringing talent, friends and family together from all around the world. THE MIDWEST BEATBOX BATTLE presented by Shut Your Mouth and Beatbox. Video production by Beat