Wigs (1962)
London. M, S of a girl sitting in front of a mirror, she has short brunette hair, a man is stood behind her styling it, she turns her head round and touches her hair, she shakes her head to say she does not like it. The man takes it off to reveal it is a wig. M, S as he takes the wig off to show the girl has blonde hair underneath, he picks up an auburn wig and fits it on her head. M, S of the wig in place, he combs it through, C, U of his face. M, S as she looks in the mirror and nods her approval. M, S of a rack of different coloured strands of hair, a girl comes into the frame and holds up another piece of hair to try and match the colour, M, S as she chooses one and takes a bunch away. M, S of two girls sat at a table knotting the hair into the foundation. M, S of one girl weaving the back of a brunette wig, C, U as she uses a needle to thread it through, C, U of the girl s face as she works. M, S of two hairdryers on stands. A lady flips the dryer up to show a dark blonde curly wig on a dummy head, she