ATEEZ(에이티즈) 맛있게 먹우영, 4 우영이의 생일상 자취 요리편
Enjoy Muk Woo Young Ep. 4 recipes: Beef Seaweed Soup: 1. Soak dried seaweed in cold water for about 6 hours 2. Remove the blood from the beef with a kitchen towel and season it with salt and pepper 3. Grease the pot for soup with sesame oil and stirfry until the redness of the beef is gone 4. Squeeze the water out of the soaked seaweed, put it in a pot used in number 3, add soy sauce and stirfry 5. When stirfried to a certain extent, add water, stir, and simmer 6. After boiling a little bit, add garlic and fish sauce to finish Japchae: 1. Soak the glass noodles in water (Required time: at least 30 to 60 minutes) 2. Remove the blood from the pork with a kitchen towel and marinate it with 1T of soy sauce, 1, 2t of minced garlic, 1, 2t of cooking wine, 1, 3t of sugar and a little bit of pepper 3. Slice onions and carrots into strips 4. Slice shiitake mushrooms, not too thickly 5. Remove the bottom of spinach 6. Grease a preheated frying pan lightly with cooking oil and stirfry onions. At this time, add a pinc