Salvage Issue Title All The Best (1941)
No title Australian army salvage operation. Sydney, Australia. M, S of sign which reads Salvage Recovery Two horsedrawn carts pull up full of sacks. Various shots as the soldiers unload them onto a big pile. Various shots as they compress the salvaged tin and make it into trays. Various shots as soldiers in the office reuse envelopes by having several spaces for different addresses. M, S as Â7000 is written on a piece of paper then torn off and thrown in the waste bin, this is the amount they get from recycling waste paper every year. M, S as sacks of paper are emptied out. Various shots as old straw is collected and taken to mills where it is recycled. Various shots as lead from a rifle range is collected to be made into cartridges, various shots of the lead in big slabs. Various shots as the salvage team dismantle a railway line, we see a soldier holding a piece of track which is transformed into a missile, he loads it into a big gun. C, U as a cheque for Â30, 000 is written