Solo Flawless Duality in less than 16 minutes ( Titan, 15:54)
Good run Made some mistakes on Vault and didn t have optimal rng. Also pretty much every section has room for optimizations. Unironically I believe sub 15 is possible with perfect rng, but good luck with that XD. Gahlran is even faster than prepatch with shield bash. The new Vault door skip is insane, saves like 40 secs. Vault could be done faster with shield bash but I find it super hard and inconsistent so I opted for a safe hammers clear. Gahlran loadout: Wormgods, Offensive Bulwark, 12 punch, seeking wells, melee wellmaker, bountiful wells, heavy handed, elemental charge + well of tenacity swap, 70 strength. That s it for now, enjoy