Super Who I need a Doctor
CROSSOVER: Supernatural (CW) + Doctor Who (BBC) + Torchwood (BBC) Wanna reblog it on TUMBLR :) GIFS from the vid made by a lovely Tumblrian: In my imaginary world, the Winchester brothers eventually found out about the existence of timelords. Teaming up with him and his companions, they saved the world of couple of times (all the while arguing about the use of guns), and then got separated. As usual, the Doctor didn t try to reconnect with them (only watching them from afar), so Team Free Will missed their favourite alien, especially in times of chaos. In my head, Dean is the one who feels closest to the Doctor. Sam and Rose have bff fun together, leading to a small fling. Rose Dean have a respectful, platonic relationship. Cas watches after Amy, for some reason. Amy had a crush on Dean, which developped into something sweet.