Political Readjustments, Canary in a Coal Mine S1 Ep32, NRN+
Canary in a Coal Mine, NRN+ Original Series. Ari Hoffman of Seattle, Washington warns America on the dangerous path that Seattle politicians have taken, to prevent Seattle from becoming a blueprint for the country. I discuss why I am fasting today and how much fun it was being accused of working with white supremacists, again. I interview my pick for WA Secretary of State Kim Wyman about the challenges of campaigning and guaranteeing that every vote counts, plus I get some advice for those of you seeking passports. I interview Tim Eyman for Governor about his effort to recall Mayor Durkan and more. In Hidden Gems, I review the Netflix show Fear City. Aired July 31, 2020. Watch on NRN+ Subscribe on Youtube Join RIGHT NOW Newsletter Connect on all social media id483238602, newrightnetwork NRN broa