Chicago Training Young Baseball Players Lner (1937)
Full title reads: CHICAGO. Chicago, United States of America (USA). Film star and comedian Joe Brown wearing baseball kit, surrounded by boys, assists as baseball coach in Chicago s boys baseball school. Coach standing next to Joe Brown and starts to speak (natural sound). He talks about necessity of this kind of school and expresses his confidence that some of the boys will become famous. Coach explains to a boy how to hold the bat. Boy batting. Several other boys batting. Joe Brown balling he does it in manner of slow motion. All his movements are slowed down and overexaggerated he looks like a cartoon character. More shots of the boys playing. A boy catches the ball at the same time as the other boy touches the base. Joe Brown, who is presumably the umpire, shouts: OUT Close up shot of his face as he shouts again. (LNER) There is no mention of this item in the original paperwork for this issue. It is possible that it belongs to another issue. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITI