Heres AV 8 B Harrier II Latest Attack Aircraft US To Stop Russia
Here s AV8B Harrier II Latest Attack Aircraft US To Stop Russia The US s New AV8B Harrier II Attack Aircraft Finally Stops the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. US Marines conduct Harrier airtoair live fire. GPSguided, laserguided and general purpose bombs make up the majority of the aircrafts operational payload. Rockets, precisionguided missiles, illumination flares, cluster munitions and other special ordnance supplements the aircraftâs capability. Additionally, AIM9 Sidewinder, AIM120 AMRAA and 25mm gun weapons are utilized. The aircraft is designed to perform all Offensive Air Support missions and a subset of AntiAir Warfare missions. , harrier, harrierjet, av8bharrier, fighterjet, 6thgeneration, usaf, sukhoi, gps, laser, rockets, missile, bomb, russia, ukraina, Marine, usnavy, multirole, multirolejet