Hydroid Prime STEEL PATH Builds Warframe 2023 Abyss of Dagath
Hydroid has been reborn from the depths of sea, from one of the worst frames in the game to one of the BEST. Today I share with you 3 different builds. Tank DPS build, Loot build and new Shield Gate build. After the rework he has it all now, full armor strip, viral procs, invulnerability, overall tankiness and tentacles All of these builds are incredible for their usage. Timestamps 0:00 Quick Builds Showcase 0:19 Ability Rework 1:37 SP TANK DPS Build 2:17 Archon Shards and School 2:42 SP TANK DPS Build 3:08 SP Loot, Farm Build 5:06 SP Shield Gate Build 5:59 Conclusion SP Steel Path We are very close to 1k, let s get it friends :) 760, 1000 Sub Goal Thumbnail made by Outlander contact) Twitch : Discord : We play Warframe and many other games, join up on the fun . Songs are in order : You cocabona http