YOU CHEATED, The Del Vikings, ( Mercury, 71345) 1958
YOU CHEATED, The Del Vikings, (Mercury, 71345) 1958 Flipside: PRETTY LITTLE THINGS CALLED GIRLS Here is another really great cover song from my music collection. The DelVikings (DellVikings) are one of the truly iconic singing groups of our time. They have recorded so many great songs on so many record labels; its just too many to list. It would take 5 or more pages to list their complete history Their early roots are from Pittsburgh, PA. and the United States Air Force. At one point in their recording career there were two DelVikings groups recording and performing at the same time. I chose not to get into the weeds with that for this upload. There were many group member changes and it would be too much to explain here about what members were singing with which group on what recordings. The DelVikings had 3 songs that charted nationally on Billboard Their biggest was COME GO WITH ME (Fee Bee, 205) which charted in April 1957 for 31 weeks and reached, 4. Their 2nd bigge