NASA s Gold Box Will Make Oxygen on Mars
NASAs next rover mission has a special device aboard thatll do something revolutionary: make oxygen on Mars for the first time. Subscribe to Seeker Watch more Focal Point, Visit our shop at If you saw the 2015 film The Martian, you might recall main character Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) mentioning something called an oxygenatorwell, NASAs newest device isnt so far off from the scifi tech. The Mars Oxygen InSitu Resource Utilization Experiment, better known as MOXIE, uses a technology called solid oxide electrolysis, and the goal To produce oxygen from the Martian carbondioxide atmosphere for both propellant and breathing. NASA is continuing to prepare for human exploration of Mars and is set to launch its next rover to the red planet in 2020. Seven instruments will be aboard the rover, six of which are focused on sample analysis like this SuperCam and a spectrometer called PIXL thatll measure chemic