What Should I Write About Today
Heres what you should write, she said. I nodded. And listened. We ran into them at a pub downtown. They were walking back from a spot for their anniversary dinner and stopped in to steal a restroom visit. We were finishing up a couple of after dinner drinks and having a pretty heavy discussion. Sometimes life calls for heavy discussions, and serious topics are best considered over a couple of pints. The anniversary couple were friends from the old baseball team, our first and they joined us at the table. There was laughter and the obligatory are you still doing questions after a bunch of catch up about the kids. I said I was still at Amazon. Still A reminder that this was a short term solution just to carry us through a couple of graduations and vacations and times when a steady paycheck was needed. The feast and famine cycle of an entrepreneur can be a little scary sometimes, especially for a pragmatic soul who wants more