Indian Navys New Mig 29 K, KUB Multirole fighter
The Mikoyan MiG29K (Russian: Микоян МиГ29K) is an allweather carrierbased multirole fighter aircraft developed in Russia. Developed in the late 1980s by the Mikoyan design bureau from the MiG29M, the MiG 29K NATO reporting name is FulcrumD. The MiG29K production model differs from the 1991built MiG 29K by featuring a new multifunction radar, dubbed ZhukME; a cabin with multifunctional color displays and use of the HOTAS (handsonthrottleandstick) principle; the RVVAE airtoair active homing missiles; R27ER, ET; antiship and antiradar missiles; as well as airtoground precisionguided weapons. MiG29K was not ordered into production and only two prototypes were originally built as the Russian Navy preferred the Su27K in early 1990s. The Mikoyan Design Bureau did not stop its work on the MiG 29 K aircraft despite the lack of financing since 1992. The programme got a boost in the late 1990s to meet an Indian requirement for a shipborne fighter following the purchase of a former Soviet air