Current Joys (aka TELE VISIONS) Demoes Unrealeased tracks
Nick Rattigans, who creates music under the band Surf Curse and on the side Current Joys (Previously Tele, visions), puts out mesmerizing garage tracks. Surf Curse, coincidentally, is more on the surf rock garage side, where as Tele, visions feels more bummer pop. Bandcamp: Tracks: 1. Afterlife 00:00 2. Anything Could Happen 09:36 3. Bushwick Avenue 13:25 4. Cut Dead Final 18:42 5. Dance While You Still Can 21:54 6. Desire 27:02 7. Ghost 31:23 8. Home 34:23 9. I Knew These Two People 38:37 10. I m Falling Apart 42:57 11. Killing My Time 45:57 12. Let Me Be 47:53 13. Lonely, Lonely Los Angeles 50:50 14. Motorcycle 54:07 15. Nowhere 57:51 16. Our Great And Powerful Sun 1:03:11 17. The Unbearable Lightness of Being 1:06:09