Imari Tones
Текст с Bandcamp а: This is a song dedicated to our church. A musical studio is our church It s not a joke or any kind of metaphor The first time we came to this studio We knew it s the special place that god had prepared for us Oh we re Coolest church in Japan Oh we re Funniest church in Japan Oh we re Best church in Japan We are here to worship him because God is good all the time Every Sunday, after the church service We go to the basement floor of Yokohama VIVRE to eat Every Thursday we go to U s house We talk about so many things we miss the final train おお ぼくらはここに ぼくらのあつまるところに かみさまもいる Oh we re Coolest church in Japan Oh we re Funniest church in Japan Oh we re Best church in Japan As you see we re so international, come party with us from Welcome To The School, released June 30, 2009