Snow White the Seven Dwarfs Part 3, A Poison Apple, Snow White Is Dead , Happily Ever After
The evil queen is determined to get rid of Snow White so that the queen can be the most beautiful woman in the land. It seems as if the queen s plot will succeed, until Snow White finds some new friendsseven loyal dwarfs. 0:07 8. A Dark House 3:18 9. The Comb 6:44 10. The Apple 9:45 11. The Glass Coffin 13:02 12. A Wedding You can watch another wellknown fairy tale, Cinderella s full story here. Website: Welcome to the Little Fox channel of fun animated stories and songs for kids. From traditional fairy tales that have been loved for many generations to classic stories that are recognized worldwide for their literary value, kids will learn natural and authentic English with our stories. Visit our website for more stories and songs. , Snowwhite, sevendwarfs, evilqueen, mirrormirror