Learn May, Might in Thai น าจะ(nâa jà), อาจจะ(àat jà), คงจะ(kong jà)
Let s learn Thai with May, Might in Thai Possibility อาจจะ, àat jà might, might (50) Assumption นาจะ, nâa jà probably (6070) คงจะ, kong jà it s likely to (80) . .. FREE SOURCES TO LEARN THAI: 5day Easy Thai Challenge: Free Read Thai Guide: Thai podcast playlist: Book a free call with us: (Link in Bio) Visit our website and see courses: or write to us at , learnthai, speakthai, readthai, thailesson, thaicourse, thaipronunciation , learnthailanguage, studythai, thailanguage, thaischool, thaiculture , bananathai, krusmuk, bananathaischool, thailand, bangkok, tipstolearnthai, thaiquiz, thaiwordofthedayon, fyp