NZA Simulations YMHB Hobart YCBG Cambridge Proline Trailer 4 K
NZA Simulations Proline YMHB Hobart YCBG Cambridge Tasmania Scenery Packs Both sold separately and available now from: Note: GET 30 Off YCBG Cambridge when you buy YMHB Hobart in the same order Part of NZA Simulations Proline Scenery Series The launch of the Payware Next Level Flight Sim Addons Hobart in Australia for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Custom Airport YMHB: Handcrafted Airport YMHB, Hobart Scenery: 8800 + Hand placed objects 250 + Custom assets 41 Unique custom buildings Static B7172BL (VHYQW, the tassie devil) QantasLink; discover Tasmania special livery Static Qantas Freight 737300 Fuel farm, maintenance and GA hangers, storage sheds and fire station all recreated along with the main terminal Fully modelled terminal interior New custom ground imagery, faithfully created from the ground up pixel by pixel Mix of UHD and HD textures with multiple LODs to achieve