How to end stress, unhappiness and anxiety to live in a beautiful state, Preetha ji, TEDx KC
If you are stressedout, anxious or chronically unhappy; this talk will lead you through an authentic journey of selfknowing and freedom to illuminate the root causes of stress. Combining storytelling and meditation, Preethajis teachings help shift her students from living in a stressfulstate, to living in what she describes as a beautiful state. In 2009 Preethaji started One World Academy with her husband Krishnaji. One World Academy is a wisdom school for enlightenment based in a new tradition where the focus is on knowing oneself and discovering that we are connected to all that exists. Preethaji is an enlightened world teacher whose vision is to free individuals of all forms of unhappiness. Preethaji s teachings challenge every justification for living in sorrow and inner isolation or unconscious psychological conformity. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at