Fender Stratocaster Custom Shop Classic Player Blonde 2001
Fender Stratocaster Custom Shop Classic Player Blonde 2001 + Blackstar HT5 + Mesa Boogie Cab 10: 1. Neck Position (Jam), Neck+middle position (RHCP, Dire Straits) 2. All positions of pickups (Ozzy Osbourne) on MXR Micro Chorus 3. Jam on MXR Phase 90 4. Van Halen on EVH Flanger 5. Kryhitka Cahes on TRex Viper 6. Pink Floyd On EHX Deluxe Memory Boy 7. Jam on Blackstar HT5 (with distortion and delay) 8. Dire Straits On HT5 (Dist) 9. Gary Moore on Blackstar HT5 (with distortion