Gasters Theme + Dark Darker Yet Darker ( Original Lyrics)
2021 edit: disabled comments bc ya ll will not stop commenting wingdings and spamming translations that everyone can literally find in the description lmao and i am so sick of it use ur eyes please kids Holy hot damn this one was fun o3o; I WASNT EXPECTING TO DO THIS TODAY, REALLY. What happened is that I was really SUPER sleepy this morning and had my laptop out on the bus; but get this I wrote all the Yet Darker lyrics on the bus. I dont know how or why I got so determined, despite my sleepiness, but I did Good thing too, the 2 week deadline was gently approaching. I WANTED to do more glitchy stuff in Yet Darker but couldnt really do exactly what I wanted so its whateverrrr. Also, if you wanna know what the end bit says, here: ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN DARK DARKER YET DARKER THE DARKNESS KEEPS GROWING THE SHADOWS CUTTING DEEPER PHOTON READINGS NEGATIVE THIS NEXT EXPERIMENT SEEMS VERY VERY INTERESTING WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK