Viking Village (1959)
Ellington Park, Ramsgate, Kent. Various shots of people in Viking costume including two girls in rather scanty outfits. They are at a reconstruction of a Viking settlement. Some Vikings use primitive tools to show how a blacksmith of the time would work. The two young Viking dolly birds seem to be making bread. An old crone walks past the camera carrying a bundle of sticks on her back. C, U of Viking woman stirring a pot which hangs above a fire. Man sits beside her combing his long beard (Viggo Hendriksen). Schoolboy in contemporary clothes runs in and tugs his beard. Narrator describes him as a juvenile delinquent from another age. C, Us of a woman in Viking dress who is weaving on an old fashioned loom. All of these descendants of Vikings come from the village of Frederikssund in Denmark. They are in Britain to give a performance of The Saga of Amled. Various shots of the actors and actresses preparing for a show. It is rumoured that Shakespeare s Hamlet is lifted wholesale from