The Grey is a cinematic concept trailer set in The Old Republic It was made as a tonal representation of a live action script I wrote back in 2019. When I finished the script, then brought some of the characters to life working with concept artists, I became obsessed with the idea of seeing these characters move. This is my fist time diving into Unreal Engine. Over the past two years I ve taught myself enough to mostly accomplish what I was going for, and evolving along the way. What started off as an idea for a few select simple shots, turned into this behemoth. Like I mentioned, this is my first time diving into Unreal, or any kind of CGI for that matter. I m an editor by trade, so while I m familiar with VFX and work flows from that standpoint, I am in no way an artist. There are so many things I would love to fix here given the time, but I felt like it was the right moment to finally put my pencil down and let this thing fly. I hope you enjoy watching it as much a