Complete Fem Shep Miranda Romance, N7 Day 2020 Update
FemShep Miranda Romance Mod (FMRM) is a mod for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 that was released in early 2020. Since the initial release, FMRM has received multiple updates to improve lipsync, face animations, and body gestures, as well as add compatibility patches for other mods. To celebrate N7 Day 2020, I created this video as an updated version of my original FemShep Miranda Romance video. This new updated video showcases all of the improvements made to this mod since it s initial release. In addition, this video showcases many other mods receiving huge updates on N7 Day 2020, such as Project Variety, Expanded Shepard Armory, ALOT, ALOV, and more. A full list of every single mod used in this video can be found below and at the end of the video. Thanks for watching Special thanks to Mgamerz, SirC, Audemus, Lunkensko, Khaar, and the rest of the Mass Effect modding community for all the help and feedback they have provided along the way. I would not have been able to develop FemShep Miranda Romanc