THE LORD OF THE RINGS Cast Reunion, Only in Theaters, Hosted by Stephen Colbert
To honor the twentieth anniversary of FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and the release of a gorgeous 4K remastering overseen by Jackson, Alamo Drafthouse is reuniting Middleearths finest for three special postscreening conversations hosted by noted RingNut and host of The Late Show on CBS, Stephen Colbert. Tickets and full details at Schedule Beginning the week of March 25th THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING with Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, and Elijah Wood. Beginning the week of April 1st THE TWO TOWERS with Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, and Liv Tyler. Beginning the week of April 8th RETURN OF THE KING with Peter Jackson, Ian McKellen, and Andy Serkis. If youve got a burning question for the cast and crew, ask it on Twitter using, LOTR20. Support Local Cinema These cinematic icons are gathering not just to tell stories and answer burning questions, but to support local cinemas around the wo