Nekrogoblikon Nekrogoblikon OFFICIAL VIDEO
Filmed and edited by Randy Edwards Follow us: Facebook: Instagram: nekrogoblikonofficial Twitter: Nekrogoblikon LYRICS DIE Theyve finally got the book What a glorious day Things are going their way Enraptured Lost in the pages Inked in blood bound with the ages Searching For the passage that they need Hope is fading fast There is oh so much to read Will they ever make it past the sleeve As their eyes begin to bleed; They see the symbols in between YES These are the words We found the passage in the sacred book The celebrations in full swing 1, 2, 3 cheers for the goblin king Wait, stop the press, doublecheck the page It says we need a band, to take the stage To enact the rites, they must be sung The band we need is Nekrogoblikon A ragtag bunch of hideous scum