Training Dogs And Horses Reel 2 (1952)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Training dogs and horses at the Royal Veterinary School RAVC Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Reel 2. Horses trotting past in a line and round in a circle with instructor in centre. Riders are in army uniforms. Horses practising step changing. String of Alsatians being led along. Handlers leave dogs, walk across ditch, call dogs, dogs jump ditch, sit down beside handler, walk round handler and sit down. C, U of RAVC corporal shouting commands. String of Alsatians being led. L, S of dogs and handlers doing marching drill. M, S as handler marches off, halts and dog follows at command. Repeat of the ditch jumping exercise. C, Us of several Alsatians. L, S of handler and dog searching for mines. C, U of handler digging for mine dog called Nig stands by (he isn t an Alsatian probably mongrel). C, U of dog digging out mine and being given a biscuit. C, U the mine detector dog Nig. M, S of Alsatian chained and barking