Japanese Flower Arrangements Beware Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1966)
Chelsea, London. Japanese flower arranging is the latest craze to arrive here demonstrated by Mrs. Akiyama and some upper class ladies. M, S of Lady Roberts making an Oriental grass and tulip display. Various shots of Lady R. adding finishing touches to her arrangement. M, S of a woman in a sari looking at a display of lilies and twigs. C, U of Mrs Cowe arranging daffodils and yellow tulips. C, U of Mrs C. s hand taking a metal syringe from a box of special Japanese tools. C, U of Mrs C. squirting water on the flowers using the syringe. Various C, Us of different Oriental style flower displays all very minimalist and incorporating twigs and bark. M, S of Mrs. Akiyama, dressed in a kimono, making a display from blossom, representing beside the cool water. Mrs. A. adds purple iris to the black metal vase. M, S of Mrs. A adding her completed arrangements to a display table. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTA